Digital Transformation is our expertise.

As our avenues for visual messages continues to advance, it is important corporations are using the best tools for engagement and retention. We transform un-engaging subject matter information into creative animated characters and quality video produced products. Our team of video editors, animation production specialist, and audio engineering will ensure our clients receive the highest quality of animation technology and video production products. We develop intriguing visual handbooks, infographic collateral, non=motion animated information guides, and creative concepts that are requested by our clients.

Animation Developtment

Create the Character You Envision

Do you need engaging visual content to enhance your message? Are you trying to portray your message in the most innovative formats? We are the answer. SparkC develops high 4k animations including infographic animation, animated-character animated videos, and creative graphic animations. We help our clients bring stagnant visual information into an engaging interactive masterpiece. Our team focuses on using characters that meet your viewers demographics to engage their interest and receive the message as their own. With over +15 years of animation development experience, we are equipped with developing the full spectrum of animation products.

Animation Development Services:

1. Infographic Animated Videos
2. 4k Animated-Character video
3. Creative Graphic Animated videosHeading Text Here

Past Performance

Charles County Department of Health

SparkC was awarded an opportunity to create COVID-19 marketing videos to educate the community on CDC guidance. Our goal was to develop 4k animated-characters that portrayed the active demographics of Charles County. The marketing approach focuses on creating 4k animated-character videos for the Charles County public, COVID-19 Businesses, Long-Term Healthcare Facilities, Sporting Events/Camping, and COVID-19 Vaccine information. We recorded voice overs and conducted audio engineering to ensure every character's vocals matched their persona. Along with 4k animated-character videos, our team developed five (5) interactive learning modules to provide training resources to the Charles County public.

University of the District of Columbia

SparkC won a small award to assist the University of District of Columbia with developing animated-character informational videos to inform students of the new policies under COVID-19 restrictions. Our team animation developers created a wide range of UDC branded characters from FTIC (first time in college), masters students, graduate students, and adult learning. Our team developed informational videos narrated by the animated characters to deliver new policies and procedures to students, faculty, and staff. UDC implemented a new student health portal and added new features online to enhance the student learning experience.


1. University of District of Columbia
3. Charles County Department of Health
4. Peraton, Inc. 5. Howard University
7. Prince George’s Department of Health

Let’s Talk About How We Can Help

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Digital Transformation